
2014年8月19日 星期二

國泰航空(Cathay Pacific)地勤 應徵經驗筆試面試分享 2014.08.06

國泰航空(Cathay Pacific)地勤 應徵經驗筆試面試分享 2014.08.06


With her nation at the brink of war, Anne Summers is searching for answers. The 35-year-old software engineer follows the debate over Iraq. But like a lot of Americans, she also does something else. She prays. So it was, on a frigid Wednesday night, that she trudged out to a prayer service at Willow Creek Community Church in the affluent Chicago suburb of South Barrington. One of the nondenominational "megachurches" that have proliferated in American suburbs in recent years, Willow Creek looks like a corporate conference center. No crosses, no stained-glass windows, no pews. Willow Creek holds its services in a 4,500-seat, theater-style auditorium.

關於電子通訊的便利性好過傳統紙類通訊,因為傳遞迅速以及通訊能力強大。但也有其缺點,例如收件人無法透過一般線索,例如衣著 用句 方言去瞭解你。他們可能用經由姓名 地址 語言去臆測你,所以若是語言能力不佳可能是使人對你的評價不佳。

  • final考官告知這次只徵載重平衡部門的人員,沒有check-in counter的職缺
  • Final Discussion,飯店客速問題處理,可是其實覺得面試官他們比較注重你講話時的感覺,內容到不是真的挺重要。
  • 當然也不能說太廢話,會先英文的自我介紹一分鐘,沒有限時啦,不過一分鐘我覺得剛好,旁邊的男生就講到有聽到考官偷偷說太久了,講話的時候,要給人家一種很穩重的感覺,也不適用考空服時,要一直微笑的那種模式。
  • 有兩個機場主任、一個什麼主任,以及還有一位人資,不參與全程只在旁邊記錄  觀察打分數。

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