2015年10月5日 星期一
104年公務人員高等考試一級暨二級考試 英文
South-East Asia’s low-cost airlines have gone from feast to famine. In just ten years, lowcost carriers’ share of the region’s aviation market has soared from almost nothing to 58%. The rise of low-cost carriers reflects the demand for flying in an increasingly well-off part of the world. However, the expansion of airlines’ capacity seems to be getting ahead of the growth in demand. Hence, some low-cost carriers have to struggle filling their seats.(10分)
四、中譯英: 韓國昨日表示,正密切監控首爾東部一家醫院,擔憂恐有數百人可能已經暴露在中 東呼吸症候群(MERS)之下。一位 70 歲婦女在探望另一家醫院裡受感染的親戚時 感染到 MERS,並且恐怕已經將病毒傳播到新的地區。官員說,因為新區域可能會 有新的病例發生,所以 MERS 的爆發是否會減弱現在仍言之尚早。(10 分) ※提示 首爾:Seoul 中東呼吸症候群:Middle East respiratory syndrome (MERS)
五、英文作文:(30 分) Write an English essay of about 250 words to address the following: Millions of people will go hungry due to climate change. Food production worldwide reduces by 2 per cent per decade, according to the latest scientific report. Climate change has become the biggest threat to our chances of winning the fight against hunger.
(一)South Korea has introduced a new law designed to curb a Middle East respiratory syndrome (MERS) outbreak, tightening quarantine restrictions and imposing jail sentences on those who defy anti-infection measures in a crisis that has now left 31 dead. The new law also strengthens officials’ power to restrict the movement of infected people and close contaminated facilities. Offenders who refuse to follow official orders will face two years in prison or a US$18,000 fine.(20 分) ※提示 Middle East respiratory syndrome:中東呼吸症候群
(二)Sanitation and construction workers lodged a complaint after police gave them tickets for not wearing crash helmets when they were riding motorcycles, but wearing hard hats instead. The police’s reply is that a hard hat and a motorcycle helmet are two different things. The police stress that wearing a motorcycle helmet on a construction site is not only insufficient for resisting impacts, but can also be too oppressive, heavy, humid and electro-conductive, among other problems. On the other hand, wearing a hard hat while riding a motorcycle can be hazardous because hard hats are not sufficient for protecting the temples from impacts.(20 分)
二、中譯英: 現在許多國家都面臨糧食短缺。糧食危機已經成為全球性問題。糧食自給率,做為 建立一個國家的基本要素之一,是一個值得關注的指標。臺灣經濟曾一度以農業生 產為主。然而隨著時間經過,焦點也轉換到其他行業,如製造業和技術領域。2013 年 臺灣的糧食自給率為 33%,政府提出的目標是要在 2020 年之前將這個比率提高到 40%。(20 分) ※提示 糧食自給率:food-self-sufficiency ratio
三、英文作文:(40 分) Write an English essay of about 300 words to address the following: More than 200 people were set on fire after an explosion at a water park in Taiwan in June 27, 2015. It is believed that 1,000 people were inside the amusement park when the powder was sprayed on the crowd as part of a color party. Colored powder sprayed onto hundreds of people suddenly ignited, with flames engulfing people as they tried to flee.
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