
2017年5月20日 星期六





招募Rep. Operation, North Taiwan (北區運務)-台北

Position Summary:
This position is responsible for account payable to Alliance partners and third parties for stevedoring expense occurred at other berths and handling M&R recovery from liable parties. Administers petty cash as well operations revolving fund for daily operations and terminal service provided.

Key Accountabilities :
1. Payment to 3rd parties for operations outside of APL Kao Terminal
2. Payment to Kao major vendors such as CCFC, TIPC
3. Assist in preparing terminal office administration services and payment
4. Perform periodic cost analysis and manual accrual request
5. Manage cash book control; USD cash support onto vessels per request
6. Handle RRS input for Miscellaneous revenus
7. Responsible for M&R recovery pursue, trace & report
8. Coordinate with vendor and internal departments to follow up with purchasing order according to company policy
9. Support FTZ & Bonded warehouse activities with regulations.

Requirement & Qualifications:
a. Bachelor degree with 3-5 years of accounting/purchasing or engineering related experience
b. Good Knowledge of accounting principles, practice and procedures
c. Have sense of Customs related law and regulations is preferred
d. Familiar with operation related system is essential (CCMS/SAP/ACE/RRS)
e. Good English language skill (with equivalent to GEPT Intermediate Level)
f. Strong Negotiation, communication, problem-solving skills
g. PC literacy (Word, Excel, Power Point) skills

Key Competencies:
Analysical Problem Solving
Customer Focus
Negotiation & Interaction
Spoken Communication
Time Management

上班地點: 台北市中山區民生東路三段8號9樓
上班時段:日班  09:00 - 17:30
休假制度: 週休二日
工作待遇:依公司規定      查看市場薪資行情
需求人數: 不限
是否出差: 無需出差
管理責任: 不需負擔管理責任
可上班日: 不限

接受身份: 上班族
工作經歷: 三年以上
學歷要求: 專科 大學
語文條件: 英文 -- 聽 /精通、說 /精通、讀 /精通、寫 /精通
工作技能: 結帳作業與帳務處理、國際貿易基本概念、文書處理軟體操作
其它條件: -需獨立作業,反應快,細心
-高度服務熱忱,熟悉 PC (word/excel..)

◆ 競爭性薪酬制度
1. 具市場競爭性薪酬結構,參與國際顧問公司薪酬福利市場評比
2. 年薪14個月(含2個月恩給性年終獎金)
3. 業務績效獎金制度
4. 完整績效考核制度

◆ 優於法令休假制度
1. 優於勞基法之特別休假,第1年即享有10天,新進員工可享當年度依比例特別休假
2. 重大傷病假90天給薪病假
3. 一年享有12天給薪病假
4. 家人婚假1天

◆ 完善保險制度
1. 勞工保險、健康保險、勞工退休制度
2. 團體保險:壽險、意外險、意外醫療險、住院醫療險(含配偶子女)、癌症險(含配偶),保費公司負擔。

◆ 其它福利
1. 提供每年度健康檢查
2. 完善新進人員教育訓練、公司內部技能與職能訓練、工作安全訓練等
3. 員工獎勵與表揚辦法(Reward and Recognition Program)
4. 員工年資服務獎(Service Recognition Program)
5. 網路多元學習資源
6. 設立福利委員會,提供三節禮券、婚喪喜慶補助、員工慰問金、員工旅遊等多項福利
7. 舒適辦公室環境,全天供應員工現磨咖啡, 蒸飯室、茶水間。



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