
2017年7月21日 星期五


Dear Taiwan Allstars,

Greetings and hope all is well. In regards to the matter above, we had a recent incident where our crew was held by Immigration in one of our Chinese stations due to the Immigration officer questioning the nationality reflected on our General Declaration (GD) was incorrect.
After getting some clarification from the local authorities, we have feedback that due to political reasons, they want the airline to ensure that the nationality in the system reflects as CHN instead of TWN. We are monitoring this closely and we will advise should there be any changes.
In the meantime, do expect to see your nationality reflecting as CHN instead of TWN in the GD ONLY for China Flights. All other flights will reflect TWN as per standard. Do inform IOC should there be any discrepancy in the GD to avoid any disruption. We do understand and we hope all returns to normal soon.



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