專門飛長程航班的Air Asia X來台招募台籍空服囉~
Interview Date & Venue:
Date: 23 July 2017
Venue: Hotel Orchard park Taoyuan, No. 777, Daguan Road, Dayuan district Taoyuan City, 33749 Taiwan
Registration time from 9am to 11am
- 採取當天Walk in方式報名,不需要事先寄履歷
- Walk in時間:2017/07/23
- Walk in地點:桃園市大園區桃禧航空城酒店(337桃園市大園區大觀路777號)
Dress code:
Female – Smart casual (strictly knee-length dress/skirt only) with full make up
Male – Smart casual and stylish
[點解] Smart Casual本身這個形容詞就怪怪的,但許多大公司面試要求應徵者的服裝,多半用Smart Casual字眼形容,也就是何謂穿著Smart,就是你要自行動腦筋,沒有標準答案
Job description:[工作描述]
Accountable to the aircraft commander.
Attend to passengers’ inquiries.
Educate passenger on the aircraft’s safety procedures.
Report any safety irregularities to the commander.
Perform sale on duty-free goods, merchandises, as well as food and beverages.
Ensure passengers disembark safely at the end of the flight.
Reassure passengers and ensure that they comply to safety procedures during emergency.
Responsible to carry out the commander’s instructions and assist him in the safe operation of the aircraft.
carry out pre-flight duties including checkin the safety equipments on-board, ensuring the interior of the aircraft is clean, tidy and in an orderly manner.
Minimum requirements:
Open to Taiwanese (Male/Female).
Female: min. 157cm, barefoot
Male: min. 170cm barefoot
Minimum Age: 20 years old maximum 35 years old
Graduates from any disciplines are encouraged to apply
Experienced crews are encouraged to apply
- 女生光腳至少要157cm以上
- 男生光腳要170cm以上
- 年紀至少要20歲,最多不超過35歲
- 不管你哪種學歷背景的都可以應徵
- 若你有空服經驗就更好了
Required preparation:
Complete application form, available @ http://www.airasia.com/cabincrewmalaysia-application/
Up-most dated resume
Original & Copy of highest qualification certificate
TOEIC with 650 score valid within 2 years
Original & Copy of Passport (1st page)
Head & Shoulder photo
Full length body photo
Only shortlisted candidate will be notified.
- 攜帶完整履歷表格: http://www.airasia.com/cabincrewmalaysia-application/
- 個人簡歷
- 最高學歷證書的正本&副本資料
- TOEIC 650以上(2年內有效)
- 護照正本及影印本 (第一頁)
- 大頭照(包含頭及肩膀)
- 全身照片
- 只有審核過關的才會收到通知

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